Beetroot Dark & Stormy (aka, ‘Slasher Flick’)

You’ve got crappy weather and blood. Thus, ‘Slasher Flick.’ I’m clever.

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Remember Scream? And Final Destination? And all 800 sequels? Totally the source of every bad dream I had between 1996 and 2006. I have never…NEVER…liked scary movies, most especially the ones with those levels of blood and gore.

Beetroot Dark & Stormy | The Not So Desperate Housewife

I absolutely hate gratuitous violence and that it’s almost the standard any more. What ever happened to a good old psychological thriller? Or why can’t you just  shoot somebody and call it a day instead of tearing their intestines out with a spork?

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But scary movies are kind of like spicy food–as a teenager it’s social suicide to admit that you hate them, so you just suck it up and get through it. I’d actually cross my eyes through all the violent scenes so I couldn’t see anything horrible.

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And then my sister went on a bad ’80’s scary movie bender that lasted like 4 years. Is it just me, or do the campy special effects actually make it worse? Like how people with plastic eyeballs hanging off their faces and fake blood that was clearly purchased at Party City gross me out more than stuff these days that looks remotely realistic? I just can’t even.

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And yes, I am a combat veteran and yes, I am a medical professional. And yes, after 3 decades I am still a huge wuss and avoid horror flicks like the plague.

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Unless, you know, my system has been primed.


Beetroot Dark & Stormy (aka, ‘Slasher Flick’)

Prep Time: 5 minutes

Total Time: 5 minutes


  • 2 oz dark rum
  • 4-5 oz ginger beer**
  • 1/2 - 1 oz fresh beet juice ***
  • fresh lemon
  • ice


  1. Fill a glass with ice.
  2. Pour the rum, ginger beer, and beet juice over ice.
  3. Squeeze in the lemon as desired.
  4. Consume.


**I like Crabbie's hard ginger beer, but any ginger beer will do (as long as it's not ginger ale)

***This is roughly the amount of juice you get from 1 medium beet, depending on your juicer. If you don't have beet juice, cranberry or cherry juice will work

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