Spiced Beer Bread French Toast

I am pathetically, WOEFULLY behind on all my picture shows. I’m so close to the storage limit on my TiVo that there’s a very angry little icon just waiting to ax my recording privileges completely.

It’s actually quite terrifying.

Spiced Beer Bread French Toast | The Not So Desperate Housewife-8

My husband and I are both working through Arrow, Marco Polo, and Parks and Rec slowly but surely…but SOMEBODY keeps running off to do homework and stuff so it’s been tough to finish any shows that are more than a half hour. We HAVE gotten up to date with Last Week Tonight, though…all two episodes of the new season! As always, I’m left laughing till I dry heave but also terrified at the state of humanity.

Aaaand House of Cards is looming on the horizon…no worries there. That’s actually on the calendar as a day that neither of us plans to see the light of day.

Spiced Beer Bread French Toast | The Not So Desperate Housewife

As for me? I’m really trying to get into Scandal this season but…just…can’t. Oh, I’ll finish the series if it kills me but I really wish they’dve stayed with the whole Olivia Solves Crazy DC People Problems…this whole Olivia Kidnapped With Two Impossibly Hot Guys Trying Desperately to Find Her business is weird on a good day, but mostly just cringeworthy.

There is just no way a president would go to war for his mistress and just wave away the deaths of hundreds of people after his wife told him to. I know it’s TV and all but even Shonda can’t make any of this believable right now.

Let’s please just put down this dying horse so Olivia and I can go shopping together.

Spiced Beer Bread French Toast | The Not So Desperate Housewife-9

So basically I’m watching half episodes of Scandal and then just moving over to Veep. Selena is all I ever want to be when I grow up.


And the SNL 40th anniversary show? Well, I’m only an hour into it so far but holy lord, I was laughing so hard I think I gave myself a hernia. Is it bad I’m already ready for another presidential election just so late night TV has a chance to up its game? Except…Colbert is gone and now the Daily Show?

Thankfully, in addition to the ever-superior Americone Dream, The Late Night Dough has arrived to fill the void.

And French toast. Obvi. I TOLD you the beer bread would be back. I’m fairly positive my husband is sick of it but too polite (or scared) to say so. This seasoning combo, by far, is my favorite–warming with just the right amount of “spicy” without being bitter or hot. Clearly a great winter breakfast but also KILLER in a grilled cheese with some gruyere and shaved Parm.

Don’t ask. Just do.

Spiced Beer Bread French Toast

Beer bread French toast spiced with coriander, cardamom, ginger, and cinnamon.


  • 1 loaf beer bread**, cut into thick slices
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 c milk or heavy cream
  • 1 t cardamom
  • 1 t coriander
  • 1 t cinnamon
  • 1/4 t ginger
  • 1 t vanilla
  • pinch salt
  • butter, for frying


  1. Whisk the eggs, milk, and seasoning together.
  2. Dip the slices of bread in the mixture, coating on both sides. Set aside on a plate and allow to sit for a few minutes while the pan heats up.
  3. Heat a frying pan or griddle over medium to medium-high heat. Melt desired amount of butter (hint: more = better)
  4. Fry the slices of bread on each side for 2-3 minutes, or until golden brown.
  5. Serve with butter and syrup.


**Any beer bread, yeasted or not, will work. I used this one.


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